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Tag: what i eat in a day healthy

What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #2

What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #2 In this post, I share another day of meals when I am eating healthy. Breakfast As I have mentioned previously, my go-to breakfast when eating healthy is a green smoothie, and my green smoothie addiction started after I read The Green Smoothie Bible. For today’s green smoothie, I used: 2 Bananas (sliced) ½  Avocado (chopped) 1 Apple (sliced) 200ml Coconut Water 70g Cabbage (British Sweetheart) Add ingredients to a blender, and blend until it’s a smooth green liquid. Note: Do…

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What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #1

What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #1 In this post, I share what I eat in a day when I am attempting to be healthy, or when I am “dieting”. Admittedly, it has been a while since I have eaten healthily, but it is the summer holidays, which in my world means enjoying lots of yummy food 😉 Breakfast So, let’s begin with breakfast. What could be healthier than a green smoothie? A few months ago I was having green smoothies daily for breakfast, and although…

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