What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #2

What I Eat In A Day (Healthy) #2


In this post, I share another day of meals when I am eating healthy.


As I have mentioned previously, my go-to breakfast when eating healthy is a green smoothie, and my green smoothie addiction started after I read The Green Smoothie Bible.

For today’s green smoothie, I used:

  • 2 Bananas (sliced)
  • ½  Avocado (chopped)
  • 1 Apple (sliced)
  • 200ml Coconut Water
  • 70g Cabbage (British Sweetheart)

Add ingredients to a blender, and blend until it’s a smooth green liquid.

Note: Do not add the avocado if you want a smoothie with less calories, but the avocado makes it taste extra yummy and avocados are full of wonderful healthy fats.

Breakfast calories: 516


For lunch, I had a tuna and couscous salad.

I used:

  • ½ tin Tuna (56g)
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1/4 medium Cucumber
  • Lettuce
  • 100g Pepper drop couscous (from Aldi)

I chopped the salad, and simply topped with the tuna and couscous. Yummy.

Lunch calories: 210


For dinner I had a delicious baked sweet potato topped with hummus and tuna.

  • 1 Sweet Potato (~300g)
  • 1 tin Tuna Chunks (112g)
  • 2 tablespoons Hummus (30g)

Wash and pierce the sweet potato all over using a fork, and bake in a preheated oven (220C/200C Fan/425F/Gas Mark 7) for 30 minutes or until sweet potato is soft. Slice the potato in half, spread over hummus and top with the tuna.

Dinner calories: 510


I had a lovely vanilla custard rice pudding from Aldi for dessert/snack.

Snack calories: 214

The total calories for this day came to 1,450 (not including drinks and other hidden calories).

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. Please ensure you get advice from your doctor before making any drastic lifestyle changes.

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