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Category: Money Advice

eBay Price Calculator

eBay Price Calculator

Here is a useful spreadsheet which I created to help calculate how to price items to sell on eBay in order to make a profit. Click below to download the excel spreadsheet: A quick breakdown of the columns: Product: write the name of the item in this column Style/shade: if the item is a specific style ir shade, write it in this column Cost Price (£): write the cost price of the item (how much you bought the item for)…

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How Much Money I Make On YouTube and Tips For New YouTubers

How Much Money I Make On YouTube and Tips For New YouTubers

In this post, I share how much money I make on YouTube, and offer some useful tips for new YouTubers In my post 7 Ways To Make Money Online, I mention YouTube as a way of making money online. I have been posting videos on YouTube consistently for over 2 years. As well as my main channel where I share shopping hauls, meal ideas, lifestyle and advice videos, I have a vlog channel where I am currently uploading weekly vlogs…

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7 Ways To Make Money Online

7 Ways To Make Money Online

In this article, I share 7 ways to make money online. Whether you are looking to earn some extra income, or want the freedom to work full-time from the comfort of your home or on-the-go, this article should give you some helpful ideas. No method will give you overnight success, however if you consistently work at something, you will get results. 1)YouTube If you enjoy recording videos, vlogging or sharing your interests/passions, a YouTube channel could be one way for…

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10 Work from Home Opportunities for Muslim Women

10 Work from Home Opportunities for Muslim Women The dream for many Muslim women is to be able to earn an income from the comfort of our own homes. Particularly once we are married and have children (although this is true for lots of women, not just Muslim women). Some of the reasons for Muslim women wanting to work from home include: not having to work with the opposite gender in non-segregated settings, for example, the office or call centres. prioritising their role as a mother and…

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How To Start An Online Business With Hardly Any Money

How To Start An Online Business With Hardly Any Money

In this article I am going to provide step-by-step information on how to start your own online business with hardly any money. I am currently the owner of Deen Inspired, an online store specialising in hijabs established in September 2014, and I am hoping to expand in future inshaAllah. Prior to launching Deen Inspired, my husband and I owned a successful online retail store selling urban and hip hop clothing, so it is fair to say that I have acquired knowledge and a few…

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