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Tag: indian sweets

How To Make Ras Malai From Scratch

How To Make Ras Malai From Scratch Ras Malai is a delicious, creamy South Asian milky dessert, and is often described as a cheesecake without the crust. Serves 8 | Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 20 minutes (plus time for chilling) Ingredients Required: 200g Whole Milk Powder 200g Caster Sugar 1.5 litres Milk 1 teaspoon Plain Flour 2 teaspoons Baking Powder 2 Free Range Medium Eggs 2 tablespoons Cooking Oil (Sunflower or similar) 1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi) 2 tablespoons Almond Flakes (optional) 2…

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Gulab Jamun Recipe

Gulab Jamun Recipe Gulab jamun is a delicious South Asian dessert made with milk powder and a gorgeous syrup. Definitely one of my favourite South Asian sweets. This recipe is a modified version of the one from The World’s Best Street Food Recipes Makes 16 | Preparation Time: 15 minutes | Cooking Time: 15 minutes Ingredients Required: 1/2 teaspoon Cardamom Powder 3 Cloves 375g Caster Sugar 300ml Water 150g Dried Milk Powder 55g Plain Flour 1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder Pinch of Salt…

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